Who is Cloud Factory Technology
Cloud Factory Technology Holdings Limited (referred to as Cloud Factory Technology) [Stock Code: 2512] is one of the earliest data service providers in China. Entering the market through IDC services, it is dedicated to becoming an internationally leading provider of edge computing and AI intelligent computing services. By building a distributed edge computing network that extends to various districts, counties, homes, and on-site locations nationwide, it expands its capabilities to edge computing services in areas such as computing, networking, and storage. Combined with self-developed AI algorithm models, it further provides high real-time, fast-response near-edge AI application solutions for customers in various industries.
In the field of intelligent computing, Cloud Factory Technology, based on its strong IDC construction, operation, and hosting capabilities, creates an ultimate computing efficiency system in machines, computing, networking, storage, and cloud. It upgrades the edge computing power platform, providing computing power support from infrastructure services to end-to-end solutions for the implementation of AI applications. Our mission is to lead the integration of edge computing and AI, making AI ubiquitous.
Lingjing Cloud Brand
Edge AI
Basic Cloud
Edge Acceleration
Edge Distribution Network EdgeCDN
Edge Intelligent IoT EdgeAIoT
Edge Object Storage EdgeDOS
Edge Streaming Media Live EdgeLive
Edge Certificate Service EdgeSSL
7 月 15 日,边缘计算社区在深圳成功举办了备受瞩目的 2023 全球边缘计算大会,这是边缘计算领域最具影响力的盛事之一。现场聚集了来自政府、产业、学术、研究、应用等各个领域的超300位企业领袖、技术专家、边缘计算研究者、学院代表等嘉宾,共同探讨边缘计算领域的前沿技术和先进思想。
近日,无锡市大数据协会第一届第三次会员代表大会在无锡瑞廷西郊酒店隆重召开。此次大会以“数聚联通 共赢未来”为主题,汇聚了众多行业内的专家教授、友好协会代表以及市大数据协会会员单位,共同探讨大数据领域的创新与发展。